This page is not about a project that is for sale, rather it is intended to provide information about my own project to build a full size replica of the cockpit section and nose of an AVRO Lancaster B1 Special (the one that carried the Grand Slam 22,000 Pound Bomb) using as many original parts as possible. Fortunately, the work on it has now been taken on by the Boscombe Down Aviation Collection at Old Sarum, Salisbury.
Donations are most welcome - See our Just Giving page.
If you have any parts that will help or any information about the interior fit,
please contact me via

This is Laurence "Benny" Goodman who was the pilot of PD130. Benny has been kind enough to send me a signed photograph and also to sign my Lancaster control column. Thank you Benny.

Sadly, Benny passed away on 18/07/2021, but his memory will live on in the replica of PD130 at Old Sarum. I am personally saddened that he cannot be with us when PD130 is finally completed, but will do my best to see that his story is kept in the public domain at Old Sarum. Please help us to remember Benny and to complete PD130.
Plans are now being drawn up for the construction of a nose section. This will be a significant task requiring much expenditure. Donations via Paypal to or to our JustGiving page would be much appreciated.
What follows is a photographic record of the parts acquired so far and the rebuild work to date:
15th. January, 2025. The Nose Section

20th. December, 2024 The Nose Section arrives at Old Sarum after partial skinning

03rd. December, 2023 The Nose Section Takes Shape

20th. October, 2023 More work on the Nose Section.

29th. July, 2023. The nose section takes shape.
03rd. November, 2022. Another famous visitor, Bruce Crompton!

18th. June, 2022. The Official Launch of PD130

15th June, 2022
PD130 being moved to a new position within the BDAC Museum ready for the unveiling ceremony on Saturday, 18th. June, 2022.

5th. June, 2022

16th. May, 2022
Almost finished!

Don't miss the grand unveiling at Old Sarum airfield (BDAC Museum) on SATURDAY, JUNE 18th. All welcome.
2nd. May, 2022
The start of the day camouflage scheme.

21st. April, 2022
Restoration of the equipment bar in the Astrodome and it's stowage point. We have the Astro Compass, but need the Compass Standard that fits on the bar (now sourced).

4th. March, 2022

Work on the Canopy Glazing continues.
Temporary Radio fit. These will be removed once everything has been positioned correctly as the T1154/R1155 were not fitted for flight and a Wireless Operator was not carried.

20th. February, 2022

25th. January, 2022

Re-Installation of the interior fittings has now commenced

19th. January, 2022
Interior now sprayed with Satin Black ready for the fittings to be re-installed.
14th. January, 2022
Riveting Completed! Even Jeff the Goldfish looks pleased.
13th. December, 2021

6th. December, 2021 - With many skin pins replaced by rivets!
13th. October, 2021

25th. September, 2021

7th. September, 2021

Skinning Commenced.
1st. September, 2021

All stripped out and ready for skinning and painting.

18th. August, 2021

Playing at being a pilot!!!
Note the repositioned clock and the addition of the Bombing Direction Indicator (for the SABS) beneath the DR Compass.
22nd. July, 2021

28th. June, 2021
Visit by Wing Commander John Bell, ex-617Sqn Bombing Leader

John is seen here explaining the use of the Stabilised Automatic Bomb Sight (SABS) which has been kindly made available to the project by the lateJim Acker.

As can be seen from the photographs, the place for the SABS is in the bomb aimer's compartment, which is yet to be built. Your help in the form of a donation via JustGiving (see above) is needed to get this project completed.

28th. June 2021

20th June 2021

24th. May, 2021
Windscreen and canopy re-united and trial fit undertaken.

13th. May, 2021

Windscreen and canopy plus the first components for the new nose section.

6th. May, 2021
Windscreen as returned from the repairer.
All thanks to Dean for a magnificent job. He has achieved the impossible by joining the lower part, which is Magnesium, to the upper part which is Aluminium and fabricating the missing parts. THANK YOU DEAN.
The windscreen will be re-united with PD130 at Old Sarum on Wednesday, May 12th.
17th. April, 2021

12th. April, 2021

An interesting shot showing the first pieces of skin to be fitted.
15th. March, 2021

11th. March, 2021
20th. February, 2021

5th. February, 2021
More progress!
12th. January, 2021
Latest progress with fitting out the interior.

30th. November, 2020
Windscreen nearly ready for fitting.

28th. October, 2020
Trial fit of Canopy Sliding Windows

23rd.October, 2020
Trial fit of the canopy frame.
I'm hoping to have the windscreen ready very shortly.

15th October, 2020
First work on the restoration of the canopy

7th. October, 2020
On the 7th, October, almost 1 year after I delivered the first parts to Old Sarum, the project was honoured by a visit from Laurence "Benny" Goodman, the Wartime pilot of PD130.
It was a great honour to meet this fine gentleman who had celebrated his 100th birthday the previous week. Sadly, "Benny" passed away on 18th. July, 2021.

15th. September, 2020

20th. August, 2020

07th. August, 2020
31st. July, 2020

20th. May, 2020
5th. March, 2020

6th. February, 2020
Well done the BDAC team!

25th. January 2020 - Dean working on the Windscreen

13th. January 2020 - Trial Fit of Former E
9th. January 2020

19th. November 2019

Day 1 at Old Sarum

Partially refurbished compass stand soon to be completed and added to the Pilot's Panel

Frame 1 almost ready. Frames 2 to 6 to go!
Pilot's and Navigator's Panels almost ready to fit
The Navigator's panel is a new acquisition by courtesy of Tim Taylor.
Pilot's Seat and seat mounting frame

All the bits of the wireless operator's equipment ready to be fitted.
The reproduction control yoke shown below has now been replaced with the genuine item.
Nearly there! Only the cap left to do now.
New casting of Control Yoke.
The finished version will be complete with centre cover. The mounting hole in the centre is splined as on the original.
I expect to have a limited number available for sale in November 2015.
The Trim Tower. Recently obtained from Australia.
Cockpit side assembly. Frames S to E.

Frame E and Instrument Panel. Mounted on jig with side rails in place.

Mounting the side frames.

Detail of stringer attachment.